Said Jaitley when he started his Budget speech
Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them - a desire, a dream, a vision
Jaitley concluded his Budget speech with this
Said Jaitley before starting his Budget speech
(OM! May All Be Happy May All Be Free From Illness May All See What is Beneficial May No One Suffer)
- Mantra from Upanishad
Quoted while speaking on equality and justice.
(Not the spear but scepter swayed with equity alone gives the ruler victory)
(What clearly eye discerns as right, with steadfast will and mind unslumbering, that should man fulfil)
Mukherjee quoted Kautilya while presenting tax-related proposals in the budget.
He quoted Kautilya to contextualize that the short-term fiscal stimulus has to be balanced against long-term prudence and fiscal sustainability objectives.
Mukherjee revisited Kautilya in his speech announcing tax-related proposals in the budget.
(Generous grants, compassion, righteous rule and succor to the downtrodden are the hallmarks of good governance)
(Health, wealth, produce, the happiness that is the result and securing them are the ornaments of a polity)
(They are good rulers who observe ethics, commit no crime and walk the path of honour and courage)
Saint Tiruvalluvar is Chidambaram’s favorite poet and the former finance minister has quoted him many times in his speeches.
(Manmohan Singh, then finance minister, presented a landmark budget in 1991-92 that eased the foreign investment regime. A new economic policy was put in place, which changed the way the world viewed India.)